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Team UK
Icon of Health and Social Care
Health and Social Care
Icon of a college
Sheffield College / Manchester Metropolitan University

Edie’s passion for nursing sparked when she volunteered at a children’s hospital, prompting her to delve into Health and Social Care. During her college years, her tutor introduced her to WorldSkills UK, an opportunity Edie wholeheartedly embraced. 

“I’m thrilled my tutor recommended me for this opportunity, leading to my participation in the 2021 national finals, where I clinched bronze. However, it was all online due to the pandemic. I’m eagerly looking forward to competing in person at WorldSkills Lyon and immersing myself in the full experience,” Edie expressed. 

When asked how it feels to be selected for Team UK, she said, “It still doesn’t feel real, and I am really proud of myself. I’m also excited to travel and experience a new place and represent the UK in Health and Social Care. It’s not a skill that’s often competitive, so it will be great to experience that environment and meet competitors from across the world.” 

Regarding her family and friends’ reaction to the news, Edie said, “My family are so proud of me. They have already booked their flights to Lyon and are looking forward to sharing that experience with me, cheering for Team UK. I also called my college tutor who originally put me forward for the first WorldSkills competition to tell her the exciting news, and she burst into tears of happiness.” 

Before heading to Lyon in September, Edie has a busy few months ahead. Alongside training for WorldSkills Lyon, Edie is in her final months of her Mental Health degree at Manchester Met University. When asked about her training before Lyon, she said, “People have been so supportive, and many have offered to help me. I have been training with my training manager and different professionals in the health sector, gaining a lot of exposure in different disciplines, which has been beneficial. As my specialty is mental health, I’ve had to learn more disciplines such as adult nursing, as these scenarios can be thrown at you in the competition. It has been a brilliant opportunity to skill up for my career and gain confidence in many different disciplines within the health and care sector,” Edie explained. 

Balancing university and training for WorldSkills UK has been a challenge for Edie. She has juggled 2,300 hours of placement, including night shifts, while coordinating with her training manager and managing other commitments. Despite the hectic schedule, Edie finds joy in her spare time by immersing herself in nature. When the sun is shining, you’ll find her camping and enjoying a good book, making the most of her moments of relaxation. 

When asked how the WorldSkills UK training has impacted her career, Edie shared, “The training has significantly boosted my confidence and perfectly complemented my degree. At university, I faced a technical skills test, and thanks to my WorldSkills training, I felt well-prepared and excelled. I’m incredibly grateful for the experience and the opportunities that WorldSkills UK has provided me.”   


When asked what she’s most looking forward to, Edie enthusiastically responded, “Everything! The pandemic kept me from experiencing any competitions in person, so I’m thrilled to finally see a WorldSkills competition firsthand. I’m excited for every aspect of it, even though I don’t know exactly what to expect. I’m eager to push myself, make myself proud, and make my family and college tutor proud.” 

Edie strongly encourages students to get involved with WorldSkills UK, especially those pursuing Health and Social Care. “You don’t often get the exposure you need in basic nurse training,” she explains. “The one-on-one training from WorldSkills UK has been incredibly beneficial.” 

Team UK, powered by WorldSkills UK in partnership with Pearson.

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