Session details

Technology to support teaching methods

Mark and his teammate Chris looking at a computer

A live session for educators to learn about existing and new productivity tools within technology and software that are already available to support their learners in an everyday learning environment.

Learning outcomes will include:
– develop an awareness of assistive technology, tools, and methodology, supporting student learning and development to raise performance
– understand technology which strengthens specialist education support for all learners, including SEND learning environments
– explore how to assess vocational and practical learning.

TechAbility will be the hosts. Learn more about our speakers.

Emerging technologies to support future assessment

A live session and workshop that will help educators consider the future of assessments and how existing and emerging technologies are starting to play a role in changing assessment. This session will showcase how the future vision is to make assessments smarter and faster, especially post-pandemic.

Learning outcomes will include:
– understand what the future of assessments will be
– explore how to assess vocational and practical learning
– consider how these tools can aid assessments post-pandemic and support capacity building.

Jisc will be the hosts. Learn more about our speakers.

Technology to support social mobility

A live discussion regarding how the pandemic has changed teaching and learning. With technology and the virtual classroom, educators can personalise a student’s learning experience, improving social mobility, engagement and wellbeing.

Learning outcomes will include:
– understand and explore technology and how it can personalise a student’s learning experience
– understand how technology can support inclusivity for students that may be disengaged or have access barriers
– explore the right tools and techniques to support learners.

Jisc will be the hosts. Learn more about our speakers.

Skills for the future - educator approaches to developing green skills

Christopher Caine in the Joinery Competition

Sustainability is something of a zeitgeist in the further education and skills sector at the moment. In this session, we will hear from three educators from different provider types who will discuss their organisations’ approaches to embedding sustainability in their work, as well as how they bring education for sustainability development into their professional practice. Participants can expect inspiring stories as well as signposts to practical tools to help develop their own professional practice.

Learning outcomes will include:
– identify concepts of education for sustainable development (ESD)
– recognise teaching practices that develop learners’ sustainability skills in a range of subject specialisms
– explore different ways to inspire learners and develop their ESD skills
– review resources and tools available to support practitioners to bring ESD approaches to their work.

Facilitators from organisations including: Jisc, Burnley College, Michael John Academy and Manchester Adult Education Service. Learn more about our speakers.

Skills for the future - bringing employer needs into your teaching and learning

Girl at computer

In this session, explore what are skills for the future. We will hear from sector experts from the world of digital and advanced manufacturing and also consider green skills and how these are applicable across multiple career pathways. With plenty of opportunity for questions and dialogue, this session will enable educators to establish how they prepare their learners for the skills of the future whilst also developing a lifelong learning ethic, promoting skills that are resilient to change and future-proofed.

Learning outcomes will include:

– recognise future needs of employers and society
– examine different ways to prepare learners for career pathways into jobs of the future
– explore the resources and tools available to support education practitioners with these industries and skill areas 

Facilitators from organisations including: The Education and Training Foundation and PwC. Learn more about our speakers.

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