By benchmarking UK skills against global industry standards via biennial competitions with the rest of the world, we are uniquely positioned to identify innovative methods of training and assessment and mainstream international best practice into
classrooms and workshops nationwide.

This report contains our cutting-edge insights on world-leading skills development techniques. By learning from and embedding these insights, educators, employers and governments have an opportunity to boost local economies with world-class skills, helping to propel productivity, pay,
jobs and living standards across the UK. The report also reveals how WorldSkills UK is supporting these objectives by championing future skills, raising standards in technical education and apprenticeships, and empowering young people toward high-quality future careers.

The key areas covered by this report include:

  1. Benchmarking UK skills against international standards can support economic success

    • World-class skills can help reboot the UK economy
    • International benchmarking is integral to raising standards in UK skills
    • WorldSkills Special Edition 2022 was a vital opportunity to identify international best practice

  2. The UK can strengthen the competitiveness of its skills base in sectors key to growth

    • Digital skills
    • Skills for manufacturing and engineering
    • Skills for the life sciences sector

  3. WorldSkills UK insights can inform excellence in skills policy and practice

    • Global insights: key takeaways
    • Opportunities to engage in WorldSkills UK programmes
    • WorldSkills UK’s actions to stay on top of international skills developments
Read the full report

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