A Florist has specialised knowledge of plants and flowers and is skilled at producing floral designs to a high standard for all occasions. Individuals looking to become a florist should have the ability to work well with their hands and use their initiative in coming up with new ways of doing things.

The excellent skillset the individual will need is to arrange displays of plants and flowers to attract customers and keep flowers in perfect condition. Constantly learning new floristry skills like wiring and presentation, setting up flower displays at events, weddings, celebrations and funerals. Our floristry competition is the perfect environment to test and perfect these skills.

Are creative and artistic
Are good with your hands
Have great communication skills
Don't mind an early morning start!

Career opportunities

  • Independent Retail Flower Shops

  • Indoor plant display enterprises

  • Internet-based businesses

  • Wholesale Florists

  • Event companies

  • Floristry teaching

Average Salary
Entry Level
- 11.6%
Projected workforce change
This is an estimation of the overall number of job opportunities in this career area up until 2027.

Meet our Floristry role model

Photo of Hannah, floristry competitor


Hannah is one of our inspiring Career role models in Floristry.

What next?

Photo of Declan competing internationally in the Automobile Technology Competition

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