Graphic Designers have the skills to design and handle images and text across a wide range of commercial contexts from print to digital and UX design, posters to motion graphics an animation. Those looking to become a graphic designer have the design skills and knowledge in media production with discussing clients’ requirements and coming up with creative ideas.

The individual will need excellent presentation skills to present to their clients as well as keeping up with design trends and developments in software. Great communication skills to manage stakeholders such as photographers, printers,  manufactures or game developers. Our Graphic Design competition is the perfect environment to test and perfect these skills.

Are very creative
Have excellent IT skills
Have good attention to detail
Are able to work to deadlines

Career opportunities

  • Freelancer

  • Design Agency

  • Advertising

  • Marketing

  • Communications designer

Average Salary
Entry Level
+ 2.7%
Projected workforce change
This is an estimation of the overall number of job opportunities in this career area up until 2027.

Meet our Graphic Design role model

Jon Cleave sitting at desk at WorldSkills London 2011


Jon is one of our inspiring Career role models in Graphic Design.

What next?

Photo of Declan competing internationally in the Automobile Technology Competition

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