Automotive Refinishers specialise in refinishing vehicles and panels to restore their appearance after accidental damage. This includes ensuring correct colour match and final finish to an excellent standard.

The individual will need to have knowledge and understanding of Automotive refinishing materials, drying and curing techniques. Ability to undertake appropriate job preparation, repair and methods used.

If you’re looking to get into automotive refinishing, taking part in our competition is the perfect way to develop and test the crucial skills required for a successful career.

Enjoy working with your hands
Work methodically
Have a high attention to detail

Career opportunities

  • Customisation Bodyshops

  • Vehicle Restorers

  • Bodyshop Management

  • Production Manager

Average Salary
Entry Level
- 10.5%
Projected workforce change
This is an estimation of the overall number of job opportunities in this career area up until 2027.

Meet our Automotive Refinishing role model

Nathan headshot pic


Nathan is one of our inspiring Career role models in Automotive Refinishing

What next?

Photo of Declan competing internationally in the Automobile Technology Competition

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