
This competition has been designed to reflect the role of an electrical technician and the standards that are expected within the electrotechnical industry.

Competitors are expected to install a range of electrical and lighting circuits and containment systems including PVC/ PVC surface clipping, plastic conduit, trunking and cables.

In addition to core electrotechnical skills, an electrician’s role in low carbon installation will be embedded throughout the competition.

The skills you need to demonstrate

  • Positioning of components in relation to technical plans

  • Installing lighting and power circuits

  • Inspection, testing, fault-finding and rectification of installations

  • Correct functioning of electrical circuitry

  • Compliance with BS 7671: IET Wiring Regulations

  • Interpreting drawings and installations details

Prepare for competition success

Enhance learner preparation for competition with pressure tests (part of our benchmarking resources) to help master their technical skills, and mindset masterclasses to build personal skills.

access on the learning lab

Entry criteria

  • This is an individual competition
  • There is no limit to the number of registrations per organisation
  • Competitors must be familiar with the Core Competencies and Entry stage guidance (these can be found in the National Standard of Excellence in the ‘Useful resources’ section above).
  • Competitors should be either an electrotechnical apprentice or be working towards or have achieved their Level three technical qualification (including T levels) within the last 12 months. 

How it works

Registrations open at 9am on Monday 3 March and will close midnight Friday 28 March.

Entry Stage will be released between Monday 3 March with a final deadline of 5pm on Friday 4 April. See the Entry stage guidance above in Useful resources.

Qualifiers will take place between 5 May to 27 June, 2025 at the following venues:

  • Dudley College Wednesday 7 May
  • College of West Anglia Friday 9 May
  • Burnley College Tuesday 13 May
  • South Eastern Regional College – Downpatrick Campus Tuesday 20 May
  • RSME (Royal School of Military Engineering) Friday 30 May
  • Bridgwater and Taunton College Tuesday 10 June
  • Coleg Menai – Llangefni campus Tuesday 3 June
  • Edinburgh College Wednesday 18 June
  • Edinburgh College Thursday 19 June
  • East Midlands (venue TBC) Tuesday 24 June
  • York College Thursday 26 June


To help finalists prepare ahead of the UK final, NET will invite finalists to a Technical Training day with industry specialists, to arm them with the skills and mindset needed to achieve success.

Prepare students and apprentices by engaging with our benchmarking resources to master their skills and mindset masterclasses to build confidence and resilience on the WorldSkills UK Learning Lab.

The Top 2 highest scoring at each qualifier and all UK fi­nalists will be invited to a prestigious industry event in London to celebrate their achievements.

The National Finals are scheduled to take place in Wales during the week beginning 24 November, 2025.

Any UK finalists demonstrating an extremely high quality of work could be invited to be the UK’s Electrical Installation competition representative and compete against electricians all over the globe at the next WorldSkills event.


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