Electronics is used in almost every aspect of life. Including consumer electronics, mobile communication, medical electronics, industrial electronics and so much more.
Electronic engineers are responsible for designing, building and repairing electronic systems in the fields mentioned above.
Careers in electronics are incredibly diverse. After studying core electronics including analogue systems, digital systems and coding there are several specialist routes that could be followed. Suffice to say that all electronic systems use what is called embedded systems. This encompasses all aspects of electronics into one final project solution for the given area of specialism
Problem solving
Time management
Working well under pressure
Analysis and design of various circuits
Hardware design
Embedded Systems Programming
Fault Finding, Repair and Measuring Module
Registrations open 09:00am Monday 3rd of March and will close midnight Friday 28th of March.
Entry Stage will be released between Monday 3rd of March with a final deadline of 2nd of May 2025 (Exact dates will vary by competition).
Qualifiers will take place between 5th of May 2025 to 27th of June 2025 (Exact dates will vary by competition).
To help finalists prepare ahead of the UK Final, we will provide relevant technical training and share mindset development techniques, to support them to remain focused on achieving success.
The National Finals are scheduled to take place in Wales during the week beginning 24th November 2025.
The Industrial Electronics national competitions also form part of the selection process for WorldSkills International Competitions and the 2024 finals will be used to identify UK squad members for the WorldSkills International competition in Shanghai in 2026.