What’s on offer:

Competence to Excellence:    

Investigate personal standards of excellence and learn how to implement international best practice, including the revolutionary WorldSkills UK 7 step model, to revisit the journey to skills excellence, supporting all learners to progress and achieve their potential.  

Complete four one-hour modules to access your Competence to Excellence Digital Credential: 

  • Core-competencies and back to basics  
  • Marginal Gains 
  • Demonstrating standards of high performance 
  • Feedback for engagement and autonomy  
Photo of WorldSkills competitors and tutors

 The programme has opened up a whole new perspective of what ‘tools’ the learners/competitors will need to move from competence to excellence. Everything from reviewing standards and resetting them, to a back-to-basics approach by identifying core competencies.


CofE Educator - Coleg Cambria 

We can literally see the difference it’s making.  They are really spreading their enthusiasm across the college to all their colleagues across different subject areas which is great to see.  What was started through the Centre of Excellence is now being embedded in day-to-day practice.

Principal – Middlesborough College 

Competition Pedagogy and Pressure Testing

Introduce international training techniques to your classroom and workshop.  

Explore the benefits of utilising measurement and judgement marks and build bespoke benchmarking resources to challenge and inspire learners to achieve excellence. 

Complete one of our online or in person 1-day training programmes and an online review session to claim your digital credential for Competition Pedagogy. 

It taught me how to communicate effectively to ensure I gained the information I needed to carry out the treatment safely and to plan it to meet the clients needs and expectations. I was able to see clearly how to stretch my skills to be better at what I am doing and how to achieve above and beyond the qualification.

Learner – Coleg Cambria  

The biggest thing I learnt from completing a pressure test was resilience as there were a few hurdles that I faced, but I had learnt how to mentally overcome them. We have completed several pressure tests, each one more difficult than the previous. During one of them, we had an employer judge us and offer developmental feedback.

Learner – Weston College 

Mindset Development: 

Gain an insight into how techniques rooted in competition psychology can be adapted to support all learners.  

Build your understanding of how techniques to support learners in overcoming challenges and developing a mindset to achieve personal excellence.  

Through our workshops you will cover techniques for: 

  • understanding stress,  
  • building motivation  
  • uncovering resilience  

Complete three of our online modules, or attend one of our in-person mindset development days to achieve your digital credential in Mindset Development  

Technical Skills Training: 

Delivered in partnership with international experts and industry leaders, develop cutting edge technical skills knowledge in a range of vocational areas. 

Access a range of technical masterclasses in developing sectors, including Additive Manufacturing, Generative Design and Industry 4.0, designed to ensure that educators and learners are able to access and implement the latest developments required by industry. 

With options for remote and in-person delivery, complete this form to arrange a conversation with one of our High-Performance Skills Coaches, who will support in developing a training programme that meets the needs of you and your learners.  

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