Although the journey from competence to excellence may be more familiar for learner, an educator can also travel the same path. The journey from intense focus learning an unfamiliar task to developing automaticity to finally adopting it in your own unique creative way until finally this can be considered excellence. Understanding this process is important for educators, because although you may be familiar with some of the psychological characteristics for developing excellence (PCDE), there will be specific methods and psychological skill development that may be unfamiliar. The key is to effectively blend the new techniques initially in a focussed reproducible way with your existing knowledge. Creating a blended approach will, much like your learners on their journey, lead to the development of your unique, creative excellence approach.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

  • begin to understand the principles of competence to excellence to influence own and the learner’s practice

This module will take 25 minutes to complete.

In any area, in any domain, in any profession when you start out, your aim is competence. You want to be able to do things competently and to a certain standard. As you get better and better then, if you are going to develop, you develop those skills from competence to excellence.

Prof. Dave Collins

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