Features of the live Technical Masterclasses:

Icon of Joinery

Practical workshops

with demonstrations and discussions

role models icon

Expert support

help with how to embed learning into practice

mindset icon

Exchange best practice

discuss, collaborate and exchange best practice

Icon of 3D Digital Game Art


learning resources via our Skills Development Hub

Session details

Digital Construction

Young person competing in Building Information Modelling competition

The Digital Construction Live Technical Masterclass will introduce the WorldSkills international standards, taking an informed look at the quality of the standards being set at a global level. We will take time to highlight and share our experience of the gaps in learning and performance compared to the international standard. Rapid population growth, a changing climate, and growing inequality are today´s most pressing challenges. These unprecedented circumstances demand novel solutions and have led the construction Industry to reimagine itself.  Digital construction connects workflows, teams and data at every stage of construction to reduce risk and maximise efficiency.  Within this Technical Masterclass we will introduce how you can digitalise your teaching and empower students and apprentices for future Digital Construction Careers.

Learning outcomes will include:

– discover the journey from competence to excellence in digital construction education
– hear what academia, Autodesk and industry professionals are doing to ensure relevance of digital construction education
– learn about embedding skills in cloud-based digital construction solutions in teaching and learning
– collaborate with peers and industry experts across the UK to build an expert network
– reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Wednesday 19th January 2022 15.00-17.00.

Facilitators from organisations including: New College Lanarkshire, Autodesk, WorldSkills Ireland and Keppie Design Architectural Practice. Learn more about our speakers.

Mechanical Engineering CAD

The Mechanical Engineering CAD Technical Masterclass will introduce the WorldSkills international standards, taking an informed look at the quality of the standards being set at a global level. We will take time to highlight and share our experience of the gaps in learning and performance compared to the international standard.

We will look at the broader skillset and characteristics of performance excellence and provide some examples in the context of developing skills in CAD.

We will also provide a range of resources for you to embed a pressure test into your curriculum; this will include the planning documentation, task/activity and the evaluative documentation to support the learning and development of the students and apprentices.

Learning outcomes will include:
– gain a better understanding of world-class standards and international best practice
– understand some of the gaps in skills and performance when we compare UK to the international standards
– be more aware of the broader skillset required and the characteristics of performance excellence
– know what a pressure test is and how this can be embedded within your daily delivery of the curriculum
– reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Wednesday 19 January 2022 12:00-14:00.

Facilitators from organisations including: New College Lanarkshire, WorldSkills Portugal and Autodesk. Learn more about our speakers.

Cyber Security

Young person competing in Cyber security competition

The Cyber security Technical Masterclass will introduce the WorldSkills international standards, taking an informed look at the quality of the standards being set at a global level. We will take time to highlight and share our experience of the gaps in learning and performance compared to the international standard. Encryption is vital to Cybersecurity. With new technology, from self-driving cars to internet-enabled home security systems, the dangers of cybercrime become even more serious. This Technical Masterclass will provide a high-level overview of encryption techniques, application identification, and content identification, using Palo Alto NGFW and other techniques drawn from international standards.

Learning outcomes will include:
– gain a better understanding of world-class standards and international best practice
– develop an understanding of encryption and decryption
– build upon existing knowledge of tools and key technologies
– practical demonstration of encryption techniques
– practical demonstration of application and content identification
– reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Friday 7 January 2022 15:00-17:00

Facilitators from organisations including: Palo Alto & WorldSkills India. Learn more about our speakers.

IT Networking

ID IT girl with blue hair

The IT Networking Technical Masterclass will look at standards set internationally and identify areas for development within UK technical education. There will be a focus on the delivery of Linux in education with CPD at the forefront of this conversation. We will discuss quality of delivery and how to achieve excellence with ever-changing technology advances in IT Networking. We will also provide a range of resources for you to embed this learning into your curriculum, supporting the learning and development of students and apprentices.

Learning outcomes will include:
– gain a better understanding of world-class standards and international best practice
– learn about building a virtual environment using VirtualBox and Microsoft software with common errors discussed
– develop an understanding of building and configuring Cisco equipment to service a contemporary Network, with common errors discussed
– learn about configuring a Linux OS to provide services to a contemporary network, with common errors discussed
– reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Thursday 20th January 2022 13:00-15:00.

Facilitators from organisations including: New College Lanarkshire, Mako Trading, AdTran Europe Ltd and ESG Tech Serv Ltd. Learn more about our speakers.

Mechatronics & Industry 4.0.

Young people competing in Mechatronics competition

The Industrial Automation, Mechatronics & Industry 4.0 Technical Masterclass will introduce the world-class standard, taking an informed look at the quality of the standards being set at a global level. We will take time to highlight and share our experience of the gaps in learning and performance compared to the international standard. The growing complexity and development of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is leaving many education and training providers behind. PLCs – once the tool of electricians – are now primarily used by programmers, with a wide range of expertise required including networking, simulation, and advanced programming techniques.

Learning outcomes will include:
– gain a better understanding of world-class standards and international best practice
– develop knowledge of technologies that are largely absent from current UK curriculum
– understand PLC’s advanced PLC programming techniques and how these can be embedded in technical teaching. Including-advanced programming (beyond Ladder Logic), use of OPCUA for dashboards, PLC Simulation, data visualisation, physical environment simulation – reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Monday 31 January 2022 09:00-11:00.

Didactic Services will be hosting the masterclass. Learn more about our speakers.

Industrial Electronics

Young person competing in Industrial Electronics competition

The Industrial Electronics Technical Masterclass will introduce world-class standards, taking an informed look at the quality of the standards being set at a global level and in industry using Autodesk Eagle. We will take time to highlight and share our experience of the gaps in learning and performance compared to the international standard.

The Technical Masterclass aims to support educators in embedding this software within the electronics curriculum in the UK, with a focus on project-based learning, to advance technical teaching and develop their learners to a world class standard.

Learning outcomes will include:
gain a better understanding of world-class standards and international best practice
– understand how to embed Autodesk Eagle into technical teaching to allow advanced circuit and printed circuit board design
– build upon existing teaching skills in soldering techniques to develop higher technical competency in this area
– develop project based learning and embed international standards within practical activity to apply in order to support improved learner outcomes
– reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Wednesday 26th January 2022 15:00-17:00.

Gower College will be hosting the masterclass. Learn more about our speakers.

CNC Milling/Turning

Young person competing in CNC Milling competition

The CNC Milling/Turning Technical Masterclass will discuss the journey to excellence that training managers have taken by using their experience of sharing best practice with international counterparts, developing these ideas and systems within the WorldSkills UK developing excellence framework.

We will explore what these world-class standards are and how we can use them to help us benchmark and inform our technical teaching back here in the UK FE system.

We will demonstrate how to develop higher technical competencies in students and apprentices by covering examples of basic, but crucial, techniques that can improve learners’ skill levels.

Learning outcomes will include:
– gain a better understanding of world-class standards and international best practice
– understand and identify what international standards and excellence looks like at WorldSkills
– explain how to choose correct cutters for different applications
– apply efficient toolpath strategies
– create accurate CAD/CAM wireframe with speed
– measure, set and test tool lengths and work offsets with precision
– reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Wednesday 16th February 2022 10.00-12.00.

Facilitators from organisations including: Coleg Cambria, GKN Aerospace, WorldSkills Austria and Quickgrind. Learn more about our speakers.

Automotive Refinishing

Young person competing in Automotive Body Refinishing competition

The Automotive Refinishing Technical Masterclass will introduce world-class standards, taking an informed look at the quality of the standards being set at a global level. We will take time to highlight and share our experience of the gaps in learning and performance compared to the international standard. We will also showcase one of the practical tasks that takes place at the WorldSkills international competition. The focus is spot repairs, which must not be bigger than 450mm from the end of the panel. Educators will hear how we approach this task and the reasons why, as well as useful pointers for your students to practice.

We will look at ways to help you embed best practice into your curriculum, hearing from Car Painting international experts about their own countries’ educational systems, as well as how they incorporate global best practice.

Learning outcomes will include:
– gain a better understanding of world-class standards and international best practice
– understand how to prepare your learners to do spot repairs/blow-ins
– what your learners should be able to do, including preparation, fade-in gun application technique, masking techniques and polishing – insights into best practice within the UK and internationally
– discover how to embed best practice into your curriculum
– reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Monday 14 February 2022 10:00-12:00.

Facilitators from organisations including: Coleg Gwent, WorldSkills Denmark and WorldSkills Canada. Learn more about our speakers.

Automotive Body Repair

Young person competing in Automotive Body Refinishing competition

The Automotive Body Repair Technical Masterclass will introduce world-class standards, taking an informed look at the quality of the standards being set at a global level. We will take time to highlight and share our experience of the gaps in learning and performance compared to the international standard. We will also showcase adhesive joining in modern automotive body repair and hear from other educators who have successfully embedded these skills, techniques and practices into their own teaching. We will also explore world-class standards, with input from international experts, to look at ways to help you embed best practice into your curriculum and apply international best practice.

Learning outcomes will include:
– gain a better understanding of world-class standards and international best practice
– create a safe and correct environment to start and perform adhesive joining repairs
– reading and planning a safe repair using technical data
– correctly preparing and applying adhesive to maximise strength and safety
– reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Monday 14th February 2022 15:00-17:00.

Learn more about our speakers.

Automotive Technology

Young person competing in Automotive Technology competition

The Automotive Technology Technical Masterclass will introduce world-class standards, taking an informed look at the quality of the standards being set at a global level and in industry. We will take time to highlight and share our experience of the gaps in learning and performance compared to the international standard.

Learning outcomes will include:
– gain a better understanding of world-class standards and international best practice
– how to use mindset to create strategies to solve complex faults in vehicle systems
– develop ability to observe and analyse, assess and report
– identify and learn connecting principles and skills
– understand how to develop precision in performance
– identify gaps between TVET and international practice
– reflect on learning in post event virtual masterclasses to share and collaborate: Thursday 3 February 2022 14:00-16:00.

Facilitators from organisations including North West Regional College and Electude. Learn more about our speakers.


We’re proud to say that our live technical masterclasses have been endorsed by NCFE. NCFE is the educational charity and leader in vocational and technical learning committed to powering a smarter education eco-system.

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