The event involved a panel discussion about how to develop high standards in technical education to help young people educators and employers.

The panel included:
– Chair: Louise Warde Hunter, Principal and Chief Executive, Belfast Metropolitan College
– Heather Cousins, Head of Skills Education Group, Department for the Economy
– Brian Doran, Principal and Chief Executive, Southern Regional College
– Dr Neil Bentley-Gockmann OBE, CEO, WorldSkills UK
– David Gallagher, Chief Executive, NCFE

Watch the highlights of the panel discussion

The event provided an excellent opportunity to hear leading stakeholders in the skills system discuss the Department for the Economy’s Skills for a 10x Economy strategy and how colleges and training providers can work with WorldSkills UK to help young people access world-class standards in technical and employability skills to secure high-quality jobs in Northern Ireland.

The event was also an opportunity to welcome the Northern Ireland Consortium (Belfast Metropolitan College; Northern Regional College; Southern Regional College; South Eastern Regional College; North West Regional College; South West College) who joined the second year of our Centre of Excellence, in partnership with NCFE.

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