Read the WorldSkills UK Levelling Up prospectus

The UK Government has an ambitious plan to support a high-wage, high-skill economy by building skills and human capital, particularly in places where they are weakest, in recognition that opportunities are not equally spread throughout the regions and nations of the UK.

In this new prospectus we demonstrate how our existing programmes of activity are helping to spread opportunity and boost productivity and set out the new actions we will take to help level-up the UK economy, drawing on our knowledge of global best practice in skills to promote and develop high-quality technical education and apprenticeships.

We want young people in all parts of the UK get the best start to their careers and for employers and inward investors get access to world-class skills to help them innovate and grow. We welcome hearing from local and regional authorities, FE, HE and independent training providers and employers who share this vision and are interested in exploring future collaboration and partnership opportunities.

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