You might have experienced a time when you were practicing a task and completed it perfectly when no one was watching, but when you were being assessed, you made many mistakes that you wouldn’t normally make. This might have come down to your ability to self-regulate thoughts, feelings, and behaviours when under pressure. Recognising how you respond to pressure and practising techniques to control how you manage under pressure will enhance learning and performance.

Learning outcomes

In this mindset masterclass, you will learn to:

  • to reflect on performance under pressure

  • to analyse your thoughts, feeling and actions under pressure

  • coping strategies to enhance self-regulation

  • what works best for you under pressure

  • how to manage thoughts, feelings and behaviours under pressure

Someone with less experience … when something goes wrong, they’ll turn to their colleague and they’ll go, “What do I do now?”, and they may panic … Excellence is, “I’ve done something wrong, what can I do to fix it?” … our training is orientated towards supporting people to learn those skills, where they’re able to analyse a situation and, to some extent, remove their emotions from it.

Steve Jinks, WorldSkills UK Training Manager: Fine Jewellery Making

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