The Department for Education has now opened recruitment for five new T level panels.

Do you have experience of Business and Administration; Creative and Design; Hair and Beauty; Catering and Hospitality or Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care?   Would you like to sit on the T level panels and develop outline content for these new T level routes that will be delivered from 2022?

The Department for Education is seeking experienced practitioners, managers/trainers of practitioners, or members of professional bodies or trade associations with direct experience of occupations in these routes. Applicants should be employed or self-employed and actively working in their industry or sector. They should be willing to commit their time and expertise as a panel member, or a panel chair, to co-create improvements to technical education across England.

T level panels are responsible for developing the outline content for the qualifications forming part of the new T levels: a gold standard for technical and professional excellence. The Department for Education believes there is one way to get this right; through a genuine partnership between business, government and education professionals: one team for skills.

There are already T level panels in place across 6 routes: Digital; Education and Childcare; Construction; Health and Science; Legal, Financial and Accounting; and Engineering and Manufacturing. These panels are making excellent progress in creating outline content for the first T levels, and forging a genuine partnership between business, government and education professionals to develop technical education that prepares individuals for skilled employment.

Together these routes cover 13 million roles in the economy. This new framework will transform full and part-time college-based courses into high-quality technical education options, which fit coherently alongside reformed apprenticeships, and extend to the highest levels of education and training. 

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