The Department for Work and Pensions is holding an award ceremony to present the national ESF equal opportunities and sustainable development ‘Leader’ awards to this year’s winning projects. The ceremony will be held on 13 November – the opening morning of The Skills Show. The awards, now in their fifth year, give special recognition to projects that have made a special effort to embed and promote equal opportunities, gender equality and sustainable development.

The award ceremony will be followed by presentations from the winning projects which will highlight the good practice they have undertaken in terms of promoting equality and sustainability. Find out more information about the 2014 awards and last year’s winners. View photos from the ESF at The Skills Show 2013.

If you would like to find out more about the European Social Fund and the ESF providers and sub-contractors who ‘go the extra mile’ in promoting equal opportunities and sustainable development, please contact Kate Tymms.

About the European Social Fund The European Social Fund (ESF) is investing around £2.5 billion in England in 2007-2014. This is matched to a similar amount of national funding and provides new skills and job opportunities to people who face the greatest barriers to learning and work. More information about the 2007-2013 England ESF programme. Work is also underway to set up the 2014-2020 ESF Programme, which alongside the European Regional Development Fund will be used within the 39 Local Enterprise Partnership areas across the country on measures that support local growth.

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