Pami has been part of Inclusive skills (now foundation skills) for seven years and Competition Organising Partner for three foundation skills. She champions foundation skills competitions and has over one-third of the registrations for her competitions: Catering 63 (16%); media 56 (14%); motor Vehicle 23 (6%).

Pami was part of the original implementation plan for ‘Inclusive Skills’ when run under NATSPEC to develop a suite of competitions for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) learners to become part of the WorldSkills UK portfolio of competitions. During this time Pami championed the development of these competitions helping to devise, promote and create robust competition activity. During the three- year implementation period Pami helped to create the test projects for WorldSkills UK Competitions Regional Qualifiers and National Finals.

Over the past few years she has driven up engagement through CPD sessions, promotions and having competition activity that is appropriate and challenging for the learners.

She is also a winner of the WorldSkills UK 2017 Local Heroes Awards.

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