WorldSkills UK welcomes in New Era for Skills Funding on day of Apprenticeship Levy.

A new era for Skills Funding has arrived, as the government launches the Apprenticeship Levy (April 6th), the latest drive to boost Britain’s skilled professions and propel more skilled young people into work.

Apprenticeship levy funds can be used for training, education and assessment, including participation in skills competitions that directly contribute to achieving the apprenticeship standard.

WorldSkills UK CEO, Dr Neil Bentley, says:

“We believe the Levy marks a positive step in addressing the UK’s skills gaps and the benefits from this will be felt by millions of young people, looking to get a better quality of training in their chosen career. 

“WorldSkills UK provides world class training for our competitors and the levy will help ensure not only that this continues but also that higher standards are adopted in workplaces across the UK, which is vital for attracting investment, supporting trade and boosting productivity.”

Every year WorldSkills UK engages thousands of students and apprentices in ‘Skills Competitions’, which can lead to raising skill levels to national and international standards. The work of WSUK offers crucial careers advice for aspiring apprentices looking for a rewarding technical and professional career path.

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