At this year’s WorldSkills Competition, which takes place in Lyon, France from 10-15 September, the UK will be competing in Renewable Energy and Additive Manufacturing for the first time. 

The decision was taken to enter these skills in response to increasing employer demand in the sectors identified in our insights reports.  In particular, in our ‘Skills for a net-zero’ economy’ report, we stated that we would work with our partners to ensure UK participation at the global finals in renewable energy at WorldSkills Lyon 2024.

Following an intensive selection process, we are proud to announce that the following competitors will now join Squad UK:

Renewable Energy

Danny McBean from UHI Moray

Madeline Warburton from Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Harry Stuart from Glasgow Clyde College

Thomas Turner from JTL

Additive Manufacturing

Oscar McNaughton from University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Eva Voma from Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Jakub Strzelczyk from MTC

Lucas Langley from UTC Sheffield

With little over eight months to go until WorldSkills Lyon 2024, Squad UK are now in training around their work and study, with the aim of being selected to represent the UK. Together with Pearson, the official partner of Team UK, we will be announcing the members of Team UK in May.   

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