Participating in the WorldSkills Competition enables the UK to exchange best practice in vocational teaching, raising standards and expertise in further education, skills and apprenticeships with countries from across the globe.

This year, WorldSkills UK, part of Find a Future has partnered with Colleges UK (an AoC Enterprise) and UK Trade & Investment to put together an extended UK programme of activity during WorldSkills São Paulo, complementing the competition and the official WorldSkills Conference and we invite delegates to join us for our full programme.

  • UK Stand (No 16B)
    Situated in the Global Skills Village, Convention Palace (Stand No 16B) 
    The UK Stand will act as the central hub for all UK visitors and we are actively encouraging all UK delegates to use the stand as their meeting and information point throughout the competition.

The following timetable outlines both the UKs programme of activity on the UK Stand and key events held offsite.

Download programme of activity

Tuesday 11 August

Conference theme: SENAI & Industry Excellence

4pm: Depart for Opening Ceremony from Hotels
7-9pm: Opening Ceremony, Ibirapuera Gymnasium
Ticket holders will meet at the venue and try where possible for the UK guests to sit together.

Wednesday 12 August

Day 1 Competition
Conference theme:
 Future trends & an Evening with UNEVOC

Global Skills Village (Convention Palace), UK Stand, No 16B
Stand open to public: 9am-5pm

2-5pm: Competition Tours available from the UK Stand after lunch in the afternoon, guided by WorldSkills Team UK Skills Champions & Team UK Experts.

Thursday 13 August

Day 2 Competition
Conference theme: Exploring Skills Excellence

Global Skills Village (Convention Palace), UK Stand, No 16B
Stand open to public: 9am-5pm

11am-12.30pm: Info session: ‘The role of technology in education’
Speakers: CWLB | @clwbtweet

2.30-3.30pm: Info session: ‘Gastronomy in Brazil’
Speakers: Colleges UK (an AoC Enterprise) | @AoC_info
Intercontinental Hotels | @InterConHotels

3.30-5pm Team UK Friends & Family Welcome Tea
Hosted by Find a Future (WorldSkills UK) | @WorldSkillsUK

Friday 14th August

Day 3 Competition
Conference theme: Global policies and innovation

Global Skills Village (Convention Palace), UK Stand, No 16B
Stand open to public: 9am-5pm

11am-12pm Info session: Creative Skills Lab
Manchester Metropolitan University

2-3pm Info session: Engineering for Automotive Sector in UK & Brazil
MIRA | @MiraEngineering
Greenpower | @Greenpowertrust
Bill Jones, WorldSkills Team UK Expert

3-5pm UK Reception:

WorldSkills London 2011 Legacy
David Cragg, Executive Director, Find a Future & Official Observer, WorldSkills UK

UK Apprenticeship System
Peter Lauener, Chief Executive Skills Funding Agency & Official Delegate, WorldSkills UK

Performance Excellence
Jo Maher, Loughborough University & Team UK Team Leader, Skills Champions & WorldSkills UK Experts

7.30-10pm UK Evening Reception (By invitation)

Hosted by: Joanna Crellin, British Consul General, Sao Paulo.
Venue: Rua Coronel Bento, Noronha, 195 Jardim Paulistano | @UKTI_Brazil

Saturday 15 August

Day 4 Competition
Conference theme: Skills Development Initiatives

9am: UK Session – Official Conference Programme
‘Share the Treasure’
Guest: Joanna Crellin, British Consul General, Sao Paulo
Speakers: Dr Susan James Relly, SKOPE Research & Christine Doubleday, Find a Future

Competition celebration tour
UK delegates gather to celebrate each Team UK member as they complete their competitions.. Meet at UK Stand for competition finish times.

UK dinner arrangements in partnership with British Council & CollegesUK (AoC) TBD

Sunday 16 August

3.30pm Depart for Closing Ceremony from Hotels

Closing Ceremony
Ibirapuera Gymnasium
Ticket holders will meet at the venue and try where possible for the UK guests to sit together.

WorldSkills Official Conference Programme

This Conference is designed to bring leaders together to network with the policy makers of today, addressing current global skills issues. The UK will participate in the ‘Share the treasure’ session, taking place on the morning of Saturday 15 August.

Guidance for family, friends and visitors booking independently

If you haven’t already booked an official WorldSkills package with the organisers, please see our guidance.

Promote your support and share your WorldSkills experience – #GoWSTeamUK @WorldSkillsUK

Whether you’re a college, training provider, employer or a supporter, the resources we have developed will help you promote your involvement and increase the media coverage and public awareness of WorldSkills on a regional, national and international scale.

Team UK Brochure & WorldSkills Sao Paulo competition map

Tell us if you are coming!

It is really important that we are aware of all UK delegates coming to the event in order to include you in the extended programme of activity, introduce you to the wider delegation, and ensure you get the most out of your visit.

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