WorldSkills UK hosted a 3-day Cyber Hackathon from 4 – 6 March, allowing learners from across the country to showcase their skills and talents in Cyber Security. Over 100 learners participated in teams of two, competing for six hours each day in a Capture the Flag activity (CTF) on a new platform developed in collaboration with WorldSkills UK and Security Impossible. Each day, learners were presented with a variety of challenges of increasing difficulty, aiming to capture the most flags and secure the top position on the leaderboard.

Sureshkumar (WorldSkills UK International Training Manager) said:

“Success in a hackathon is more than just writing code or discovering flags; it’s about the connections you build, the ideas you spark, and the enthusiasm you unleash. Keep innovating, collaborating, and allowing your creativity to guide you to new possibilities. Well done to everyone who participated.”

Mateen Padela: Director, Security Impossible said: “Cyber security is a journey filled with numerous intriguing virtual stops, each offering unique lessons. The foundation of this journey is built on diverse security pillars. Participating in a hackathon engages you in various ways and stimulates your mind to think outside the box. It’s common to encounter roadblocks and feel stuck; however, remaining open to learning and adapting enables you to continue making progress. The goal isn’t to find all the answers but to understand that each answer you uncover requires a depth of knowledge.”

Congratulations to everyone who took part! The leaderboards for each day are listed below.

Day 1 Leaderboard

Stafford Collegedotdev1
North Warwickshire & South Leicestershire collegeSLC T22
Burton and South Derbyshire CollegeTeam D3

Day 2 Leaderboard

DISC CollegeDISC Drive1
Bournemouth UniversityTeam A2
SERCCrypto Knights3
The Studio SchoolTeam Studio Delta4
The Studio SchoolTeam Studio Charlie4
The Studio SchoolTeam Studio Kilo4
SERCdiver downers5
Cross and Passion CollegeCPC6

Day 3 Leaderboard

The Studio SchoolTeam UTC Minerva1
The Studio SchoolTeam UTC Neptune2
Lakes CollegeTrojan Troubleshooters3
Lakes CollegeFirmware Force3
Lakes CollegeNetwork Nomads3
Staffordshire UniversityMarmite4
The Studio SchoolTeam UTC Trident5
Burton and South Derbyshire CollegeByte Me5
Burton and South Derbyshire CollegeHackstreet boys6
Burton and South Derbyshire CollegeGreen tree6
Burton and South Derbyshire CollegeRip It Back6
Lakes CollegeError 404: Team Not Found7
Lakes CollegeRouter Rascals7
Tameside College CipherCrafters8
The Studio SchoolTeamUTC Mars9

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