Finals to be live streamed for the first time
Apprentices and learners are invited to showcase and celebrate their talents at the WorldSkills UK national competitions which are now open for entry.
The competitions bring together the brightest minds and skilled individuals in over 40 skills ranging from digital construction, accountancy and cloud computing to electrical installation, health and social care and renewable energy.
For the first time, WorldSkills UK will be live streaming during the week of the finals, which take place in venues across South Wales. This will enable apprentices, learners and educators who can’t attend the national finals in person to watch a selection of the competitions live, engage with careers content and hear from experts to understand what it takes to develop skills excellence, including in the priority areas of advanced manufacturing, digital and construction.
Ben Blackledge, Chief Executive, WorldSkills UK said: “Registering apprentices and learners for the WorldSkills UK Competitions is an exciting opportunity to showcase their potential and inspire excellence. Our competitions are based on global standards and play a vital role in developing internationally competitive skills that drive investment, create jobs, and fuel economic growth.”
The national finals in November will take place at the following venues: Bridgend College (Pencoed Campus), Cardiff and Vale College (City Centre Campus), Coleg Gwent (Newport Campus), University of South Wales (Cardiff) and University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Swansea).
Participants from this year’s competitions could be selected by WorldSkills UK to join its training and development programme for WorldSkills Aichi (Japan) 2028.
Entry to the WorldSkills UK Competitions is open from 3 -28 March 2025. Register and access free resources to support apprentices and learners prepare for the competitions here.