WorldSkills UK is proud to join WorldSkills in its formal endorsement of HeForShe – a solidarity movement for gender equality, led by the United Nations.

WorldSkills UK is joined by Members of WorldSkills across the globe, in backing this vital push for gender equality in vocational education and skilled professions. 

As a global movement that promotes access to vocational skills, WorldSkills believes that skills have no gender and that it is time that inequality in the workplace is eradicated.

Dr. Neil Bentley, WorldSkills UK CEO said: “We proudly support the HeForShe campaign. We aim to create opportunities for all young women so they can pursue the careers of their dreams in whichever profession they choose.”

The HeForShe solidarity movement was created by UN Women to provide a systematic approach and targeted platform where a global audience can engage and become change agents for the achievement of gender equality in our lifetime.

Since its launch on 20 September, 2014, by UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon and UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson, hundreds of thousands of supporters from around the world – including Heads of State, CEOs, global luminaries, and people from all walks of life –  have committed to gender equality.  

HeForShe has been the subject of more than 2 billion conversations on social media, with off line activities reaching every corner of the globe. Check out Emma Watson’s launch speech and the HeForShe TED Talk to learn more.

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