We work with over 1,660 organisations a year – including businesses, awarding bodies, trusts, universities, and colleges – to inspire young people through apprenticeships and technical education, and then develop them to world-class standards. Not only are we trusted by governments, but we’re considered the leading authority on raising standards in apprenticeships and training, featured frequently in national press and on TV.
young people engage with our activities each year
of FE colleges work with us
educators and training staff engaged last year
million media circulation achieved last year
We are setting a new level of ambition for the UK to be a world-leading skills economy, developing a higher quality skills system by putting business needs to the fore. By increasing the quality of our technical skills, we can help attract more inward investment for key industry sectors.
We support the development of thousands of young people each year in a programme of competitions-based training and assessment. This inspires more young people, from all backgrounds, to take up high-quality apprenticeships and technical education.
Improve your apprentices’ mindset and skillset by entering one of our 65+ different training programmes.
Promote your organisation and develop your skills industry needs by developing a new training programme.
Become a competition organising partner and stand out as a leader and innovator in your sector.
Our partnerships come in all shapes and sizes, driving impact and delivering mutual benefit. Below are some examples of how we can promote your business, develop the skills required by your organisation, diversify your pipeline, and transfer knowledge through our international insights.
Our live, interactive Spotlight Talks promote apprenticeships and technical education as prestigious career routes to young people and their influencers.
For both educators and employers, these popular events provide an unrivalled platform to reach a wide and diverse group of young people, challenging perceptions of apprenticeships and raising awareness of career opportunities to the thousands in attendance.
If you’d like to feature in our next event, then please get in touch to find out more.
We support young people – regardless of their backgrounds – to get the best start to work and life.
Our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Heroes Awards is an opportunity to recognise outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion, and to inspire others across the skills sector.
To sponsor an award, or to learn about how you can partner with us and support our mission to drive Equity, Diversity & Inclusion across the skills sector, please get in touch to find out more.
Team UK is the living embodiment of WorldSkills UK training, having been developed to world-class standards through our national skills competitions. Representatives from across the UK compete globally to demonstrate the UK’s standing as a leading destination for world-class skills.
We’re inviting organisations to partner with us and support Team UK, and be part of a tailored marketing campaign with national and international profile, positioning your organisation as a leader in skills development, and extending your reach across the globe.
Please get in touch to find out more.
The Innovation Network features over 40 colleges and training providers who use WorldSkills UK’s knowledge and tools to raise standards in technical education.
We’re inviting organisations to support the Network by participating in the delivery of sessions, sharing sector insights, tools, and tips through a bespoke workshop or webinar.
By partnering on the network, you’ll have a chance to communicate your skills needs to educators from across the UK. Please get in touch to find out more.
Building on learnings from our international platform, we develop educators and train staff through CPD activities and resources, taking your apprenticeship programme to world-class standards, and driving productivity within your classroom or business.
Alternatively, get in touch to discuss how we can help you develop your learners’ and apprentices’ skills and mindset to world-class standards. Please get in touch to find out more.
Our research helps to inform policy and practice in the skills sector, and is frequently picked up by mainstream media and government. We work with partners to carry out this research, ensuring its relevancy to the UK economy and improving technical education for young people and industry.
By partnering on our research – or joining one of our roundtables – you’ll help to shape the skills agenda, communicating your skills needs while positioning yourself as a leader to our network. Please get in touch to find out more.
We introduced development plans to close the skills gaps in our company using elements of competition to address key areas.
Competition activity is now fully embedded in our apprenticeship programmes. This mirrors what UK businesses need to do in order to thrive in a global economy.
We know how important competitions are in helping to improve and learn and benchmark against the very best.
It’s really important for us to be involved in WorldSkills UK competitions. When our apprentices compete in that particular trade-set, they’re honing their skills, and we’re able to benchmark where we are against that particular standard.