In this guide you’ll find resources to help you prepare for the National Finals and ensure you are ready to compete to the best of your ability.
In order to compete to your full potential, you will need really good technical skills in your discipline. Another factor is the mental skills you will need to make sure you are able to undertake the required practice and training prior to competing. This is important as you’ll be competing in a pressured, time-limited environment.
Often the difference between success and failure depends on your ability to cope with the special demands of competition. The best performers, in any activity, have the ability to remain calm and perform well under pressure, they are unflappable, make good decisions, think clearly and perform with confidence and enthusiasm.
It is important to develop and practice a range of skills that will help you perform to your potential. We have developed a series of free masterclasses to help you get ‘competition-ready’ called the mindset masterclasses. Each masterclass will take you through important components, so you can feel more confident on the day of your competition.
Just sign up to our Learning Lab for free, to access the full range of our mindset masterclasses covering:
In this module you will learn about the importance of commitment and think about what you can do to make sure you are committed to your learning and development.
This will help learners know what’s important, knowing how to stay focussed, and knowing what to do to both avoid and counter distractions.
In this module you will learn about the importance of realistic performance evaluations and understand what this means in your context.
In this module you will learn about the importance of role clarity and understand what this means in your context.
In this module you will learn about the importance of self-regulation.
In this module you will learn about the importance of planning and self-organisation.
In this module you will learn about the importance of goal setting and what this means for you.
In this module you will learn about the importance of quality practice and understand what you can do to make sure you are optimising your practice.
In this module you will learn about the importance of imagery and understand what this means in your situation.
In this module you will learn about the importance of seeking and using social support to support your learning, development and performance.
Part of preparing for the National Finals means brushing up on your technical skillset and we recommend a few ways to do this:
You may be the most talented and skilled competitor, but you’ll only win competitions if you leave no stone unturned when you are preparing to compete and your diet is no exception.
What you get out of your body is directly related to what you put into it. Eat poorly and your performance will suffer. Eating gives your mind and body the fuel needed to help you perform at your best.
Your diet and how much water you drink has a major influence on your energy levels and your ability to concentrate! Both are extremely important in terms of your ability to perform at the top of your game.
Check out UK Government advice for a healthy, balanced diet in, the Eatwell Guide. This reflects the latest dietary recommendations and key public health messages. It applies to most people over five years of age and is suitable for vegans and vegetarians too. Advice includes:
75% of your bodyweight is water.
Even low levels of dehydration can affect your performance. A loss of 2% bodyweight from sweating is believed to reduce performance by 10-20%, while a 3-5% loss will impair reaction time, judgment, concentration and decision-making!
You’re unlikely to be this dehydrated during a skills competition, but any level of dehydration means you will not be competing at your best.
Aim for 6-8 daily glasses of fluids, which can include water, low-fat milk, and caffeine-containing drinks like tea and coffee. Despite the mild diuretic effect of caffeine, it’s offset by the hydrating components in these beverages. You can also count fruit juices and smoothies, but limit them to a combined total of 150ml a day. Opt for diet, sugar-free, or no added sugar soft drinks to reduce sugar intake.
After a competition day you should ensure you:
replace fluid loss (drink water)
eat a healthy meal in the evening with sufficient nutrients
Stay in touch with your Competition Organising Partner
Their contact details can be found at on our website, under your skill competition page. They will have information on further skill-specific training they offer as well as be on-hand to answer any questions about the competition and will be there to guide you.
We hope the information in this guide helps you with your preparation for your competition and we wish you the very best of luck at the National Finals!