Welcoming the Prime Minister’s ambitions set out in the new report ‘Global Britain in a Competitive Age: the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy’ (16 March 2002), Dr Neil Bentley-Gockmann OBE, Chief Executive, WorldSkills UK said:

“We wholeheartedly agree that crucial to ensuring the UK secures its position as a global leader in science and technology by 2030, and establishing the UK as a digital and data hub, will be more investment in digital resilience and technologies.

“Attracting inward investment will be vital to further develop our digital tech base across the UK. Year after year, EY’s Attractiveness Survey has shown that our ability to provide a pipeline of high-quality skills is a key determinant in attracting international investors. That’s why, last year, in our report ‘Answering the call for digital skills excellence’ we identified a clear mismatch between investor demand for and the supply of high quality digital skills.

“We are exploring this further in a report due out next week, in which we will set out our commitment to working with government, industry and education partners on international benchmarking to help develop advanced digital skills, such as in cyber security and industry 4.0, that will help power economic resilience and growth.

“By working with our UK and international partners, WorldSkills UK is uniquely placed to help deliver the national skills upgrade needed to help meet the Prime Minister’s ambition to secure the UK’s place at the leading edge of science and technology and boost our competitiveness in the digital age.”

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