We spoke to Jill Nock at Aldridge School to find out why she brings pupils to WorldSkills UK LIVE.

How did you find last year’s event?

It’s always good. I think each year the layout gets better. There was lots on engineering last year.

How did it change your student’s thoughts and attitudes about their future?

I think it just opens their eyes this multitude of different areas that they can go into. Before then, they didn’t realise quite how many different types of apprenticeships there were. When they came away, they realised that there’s an apprenticeship for everything.

How do you think the event helped them?

The fact that they get insights into doing the actual hands-on, practical side of jobs there. They can actually see what goes on skills side, on the trade side – because they can actually see what they’re doing.

What part of the event did you find particularly useful?

The Teachers’ Hub is always useful. There are usually lots of seminars going on.

What advice would you give another school about attending the event?

If they’ve got specific groups, then I think it’s a good idea if you can prepare them, so they get the most out of the day. I would say that’s probably one of the most important things.

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