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Mechanical Engineering

Betsy competed in Mechanical Engineering at WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017, where she was awarded a Medallion of Excellence for her outstanding skills. She now works as a Skills Champion to encourage more young people into technical education.

Betsy From Scotland competed at WorldSkills UK in 2015 and won silver, Gothenburg 2016 medallion of excellence and Abu Dhabi 2017 medallion of excellence. At school Betsy was interested in graphic communication and concentrated on doing well in this subject.

University was pushed on to Betsy, but she decided to go to college as this was the best approach to pursue her career. Knowing that going to university was not the best option, Betsy soon realised she would not be in the position she is now in her career if she did not study at college.

WorldSkills UK changed Betsy’s life in having the opportunity to travel and compete around the world. Betsy would not had gotten this opportunity at university or college and is a WorldSkills champion.

WorldSkills UK has changed my life. It’s given me so many opportunities that not everybody gets and it’s often above what you get at college or university.

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