We spoke to Jayne Carwardine at City of Birmingham School to find out why she brings pupils to WorldSkills UK LIVE.

How did you find the event last year?

Very, very good. It’s very informative for young people.

Were there any standout moments for you?

I think the interactive stuff was good for the kids.

How well does the event fit in with your careers provisions?

Very well. You give them some idea of what they want to do. The reality, of course, as opposed to looking on the internet.

How do you feel the event helped the pupils?

It’s being there and interacting with the people. There were people who would there be doing apprenticeships from another city. But that works well because they were able to speak to young people of a similar age. Just a little bit older.

What did you find particularly useful in your position?

I think it’s the apprenticeships and training stuff that I could take away. 

What did you like about the event?

It was informative for young people and exciting. Our young people suffer from social and emotional difficulties so for them to actually go and feel part of it was with pretty amazing.

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