Carl Parish, Lecturer in Fabrication & Welding 

Q. What have you gained from being involved with the programme?

A. With all of the previous learners/competitors that I have trained for  competitions, I have always focused on their practical skills. The programme has opened up a whole new  perspective of what ‘tools’ the learners/competitors will need to move from competence to excellence. Everything from reviewing standards and resetting  them, to a back to basics approach by identifying core competencies to allow learners to master them  before progressing to higher order competencies as well as embedding specific, targeted pressure tests within the core curriculum.

Q. In what ways have you seen  an impact with your learners?

A. Learners not only focus on the practical skills, but are far more aware of the softer skills which they also need to practice, improve and excel  at to be able to become ‘work ready’.

Rona Griffiths, Learner Experience & Enterprise Manager 

What I’ve been able to observe is the greater level of confidence in the educators themselves and the desire to progress. At first they were thinking “can I do this” and now they are thinking “I want more of this” and they are enjoying sharing their knowledge with others.

The impact has been a re-energising of Teaching & Learning. Educators have more of a willingness to reflect on what they do and take chances.

To summarise the  programme has allowed us to bring the excellence of the workplace back into education.

Beauty Therapy Level 2 student

Q. How has WorldSkills UK been integrated into your lessons?

CoA. mpetence to Excellence has been integrated into most of my sessions at Coleg Cambria mainly during assessment sessions where we prepared for and took part in a pressure test. Practical sessions have changed for me this year as we are now encouraged to constantly stretch ourselves to achieve
above and beyond what the qualifications needs us to.

Q. What value did you gain from competing a pressure test / what did you learn?

A. The pressure test was about the importance of consultation at the start of a beauty therapy treatment. It taught me how to communicate effectively to ensure I gained the information I needed to carry out the treatment safely and to plan it to meet the clients needs and expectations. I was able to see clearly how to
stretch my skills to be better at what I am doing and how to achieve above and beyond the qualification.

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