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CNC Milling

Ethan competed in CNC Milling at WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017. Now he has a career as a Machinist at Electroimpact – a world-leader in aerospace tooling and automation design and manufacture.

Ethan from North Wales dreamt of working within the Army but works in manufacturing on the aircraft industry. At school, Ethan struggled with academic subjects but loved being hands on which helped as his favourite subject was design and technology.

After much thought Ethan decided not to go to university as he wanted hands on skills while working. To try and understand which career pathway to choose, Ethan heard of WorldSkills UK and went to the live show to get more information.

Once he decided his college, he had excellent skills to compete at WorldSkills UK in 2014 and went on to also compete in Abu Dhabi 2017. This experience has opened up more opportunities as Ethan now mentors future apprentices within his place of work.

I believe that the apprenticeship was the right route for me. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it – now I’m mentoring the future generation of apprentices in my company.

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