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Team UK
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Siemens / Tameside College

Lucy Yelland really is someone to shout about. 

The exponent of Mechatronics, a form of robotics used in industrial processes, is a shining example of the very best that Generation Z has to offer. 

Degree Apprentice Lucy, aged 22, from Newcastle-under-Lyme, works at Siemens in Manchester and studied Maths, Physics and Geography A-Levels. 

Her competition is for a two-person team, working together to solve fiendishly difficult industrial conundrums, to build and perfect a fully automated process, against the clock and in front of thousands of spectators. 

“WorldSkills UK has totally changed my outlook on life. My Training Manager Callum Knott, has been hugely influential – and has transformed my performance in so many ways. 

“I really thrive under pressure,” said Lucy, “the tasks set for international competitions are hugely difficult, but the sense of euphoria once you’ve successfully completed them is hugely rewarding. 

“I don’t come from an engineering background, but a family friend runs an engineering business and suggested I do some work experience – and I totally fell in love with it. 

“Working with my team partner Ben Love, is a delight. We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses inside out, and ensure that, between us, we optimise our abilities. 

“My employers Siemens have been so supportive. They understand the huge benefits that working with WorldSkills UK is bringing me – and what therefore the wider workforce when I share my expertise with others.” 

Lucy has been conducted intensive training for hundreds of hours – and has been sent to ‘pressure test’ competitions in Poland, Hungary and the Netherlands. 

Team UK, powered by WorldSkills UK in partnership with Pearson.

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