Unionlearn and Unite the Union exhibit at WorldSkills UK LIVE to raise awareness of the wide range of apprenticeship opportunities available to young people. It also uses the event to network with schools and businesses to showcase the benefits of trade unions.

Unionlearn works with government to ensure apprenticeships are a quality learning experience. They believe young people should be given the chance to view a variety of career options.

They work to ensure as many young people as possible know what an apprenticeship is and what is expected of them.

The organisations jointly exhibit at WorldSkills UK LIVE to help raise awareness of technical career paths. Speaking directly with young people gives their teams the opportunity to speak directly to the next generation. They can engage in an informal way with a wide, diverse cross section of future apprentices.

The event gives Unionlearn and Unite the opportunity to contact schools from the local area and across the UK more broadly. This helps them to showcase the benefits of apprenticeships and learn about potential issues from teachers delivering careers advice to young people. In addition, they use LIVE as an opportunity to raise awareness of the value of trade unions with other exhibitors and visiting organisations.

Unionlearn have developed an eight-point quality check called the Apprenticeship Charter. The charter is designed to set a high standard for employers and organisations to follow, including a commitment to great terms and conditions, good pay, a safe working environment and above all quality training with access to trade union support.

Not all employers can match this test. However, those that do will hopefully stand out above the crowd.

zoomed out aerial shot of worldskills uk live

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