We spoke to Adam Comery, Curriculum Manager at Walsall College, to find out why he brings pupils to WorldSkills UK LIVE.

What do you like about the event?

It targets what we are teaching. We teach public services. I know that you have areas of health and social care, which is also a part of our team here. It’s a sort of career guidance couple of hours for the students. Just to get more experience and have a wider insight.

How do you think the event helps your pupils?

Some students will just walk around, take in as much information as possible and then digest it later. Some of the more interactive ones will speak to the stands about how to get jobs. Our job here is to make sure no matter what type of student is there, they’ve got the opportunity to do that.

Did you find that there were any activities that were particularly popular?

My students are more interested in the interactive elements – they like getting involved. As my students are public services, anything to do with the army is quite big there. They like the welding and stuff like that they’ve done in the past.

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