WorldSkills UK continue to monitor the governments advice regarding coronavirus and together with our partners are reviewing the impact on our planned activities.

Obviously we will communicate these decisions as appropriate to all those key stakeholders involved. However, should there be any concern or questions at this stage please do contact your WorldSkills UK representative or email us.

Please find below some Frequently asked questions (FAQs) and our response. If you do not find the answer you require please get in touch. We will be updating this page as the situation develops.

(1) For organisations, students or apprentices entering National Competitions

Will those who registered for this year’s competitions automatically be entered into next years competitions?
No, we cannot transfer this year’s registrations to next year but we very much welcome all those who registered this year to register for next years competitions if they are eligible, we will send registration details once available. 

Will participants who have completed the passive and qualifier stages get recognition for their performance?
WSUK encourage recognition for participation at every stage in the competition cycle. We recognise the commitment and dedication of all those that have taken part in our passive and qualifier stages and we will be issuing them with a Certificate of Participation to reflect their learning. In addition to this, each competitor should receive detailed feedback of their performance which can be used for future development. 

Now that this year’s competitions have been cancelled, are you planning to provide any additional support to those that registered?Although we will not be running the national cycle, we will continue to work with all the competitors who registered to provide them with skills and mindset development that will ensure that while they are not able to compete as first planned, they will still receive significant value from their engagement in WorldSkills UK activities. As a first step, we will be running a webinar on Employability and Wellbeing on Tuesday 21st July, this activity will be supported by our performance coaches and our partner, Youth Employment UK.

Will I automatically be entered into next years competitions?
No, we cannot transfer this years registrations to next year but we very much welcome you to for next years competitions if you are eligible, we will send registration details once available

I’ve already completed the passive/qualifier stage, will I get recognition for my performance?
WSUK encourages recognition for participation at every stage of the competition cycle. We recognise the commitment and dedication of all those that have taken part in our passive and qualifier stages and we will be issuing them with a Certificate of Participation to reflect their learning. In addition to this, each competitor should receive detailed feedback of their performance which can be used for future development.

Who can I contact if I have any further questions?
You can contact your Competition Organising Partner directly or, you can email WSUK Competition Team 

(2) For Competition Organising Partners, sponsors and partners

I haven’t been paid any of my grant yet, will I get paid for activities I have done so far on the planning, design and delivery of my competition?
We want to recognise the development work that has taken place to date and will discuss payments in more detail during our individual meetings with COPs.

Do I need to provide feedback to those that have taken part in passives and qualifiers?
Yes, it’s very important that all those who have taken part in our competitions understand their strengths and areas for improvement which they can work on when they are back in their place of study or workplace. 

Our competition is recognised by our industry and forms part of our annual awards, can we continue to deliver our own competition?
Yes, but WSUK will not be able to fund this activity and it will have to be delivered outside of our framework which means that our logo and branding cannot be used. If you are going to continue with your competition, please speak to us before proceeding further. 

Can the grant funding be accrued and rolled over to next year?
No, we are unable to transfer funds from one year to the next. The grant funding is for this years cycle. We will be tying the remainder of the grant to a new set of deliverables and will have individual discussions with each partner to agree specific outputs and milestones. 

What if we don’t want to take part in any further activity now that the national cycle and LIVE have been cancelled?
We will need to understand your reasons for this and will discuss this with you in your individual meeting with us.

Should COPs cancel accommodation that has already been booked for LIVE or will WSUK do it on our behalf?
We advise COPs to cancel or rearrange bookings as soon as possible to avoid any charges. If you have booked through Event Express, they will assist you with the option to move your booking to 2021, if you would prefer to do so. If you need any support to cancel your hotel booking, please contact the Competitions Team or Lara.

Can I tell partner organisations that this year’s national competitions cycle and LIVE have been cancelled?
As valued partners, we wanted to let COPs know first before communicating the message out to wider audiences. This information is confidential and is embargoed until 2pm on Friday 18th July, therefore, we ask you not to share this information in the meantime. 

Who else is WSUK going to inform?
We will be sending emails on behalf of WSUK to all competitors and their points of contact on Friday 17th July. We will also be sending all COPs a standard message for their judges and competitors to which skill-specific information can be added before being sent. WSUK have already informed sponsors and the devolved nations. 

I am sponsor/investor of the national competition and need to understand my contract and organisations ROI? 
Offering our partners return on investment is key to our partnership. For this reason, we are currently working with our competition organising partners and will revert with any opportunities. In the meantime, your account manager will be in contact to discuss your contract. Any concerns please contact us.

I’m an exhibitor at WSUK LIVE 2020. What will happen to my contract and investment?
Your account manager will be in contact to discuss LIVE 2021, your contract and involvement. Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

(3) For Training Managers, coaches and wider training network

We have age eligible students for WorldSkills Lyon, when will selection for this take place?
All members of Squad UK will be age eligible to continue their journey to WorldSkills Shanghai, as the rules regarding age criteria will be amended for this competition as a result of the exceptional circumstances.

How can I keep my student supported as they continue with Squad UK?
We are exploring a wide range of activity that will allow for the development of Squad UK to continue over the following months and will share this with you once agreed and we are open to any suggestions you may have on how we can continue to engage and develop these competitors.

Will the age be increased for squad if it is moved to later in the year? 
All members of Squad UK will be age eligible to continue their journey to WorldSkills Shanghai, as the rules regarding age criteria will be amended for this competition as a result of the exceptional circumstances.

Will the budgets increase due to longer amount of training times? 
The funding is agreed prior to the start of every financial year and will not increase but can be realigned to support delivery of our updated objectives and new developments, to ensure our activity continues to deliver value for money.

Will our amount of training days increase?  
Training days allocated to delivery of the cycle will be realigned to the updated programme schedule and will be shared with all training managers as soon as possible.

What happens if F2F training isn’t possible for the foreseeable future? 
As in the case of remote delivery taking place earlier this year, we will be looking at how we can facilitate continued engagement and development activity for Squad UK using digital platforms and will communicate the range of proposed activity once it has been agreed

Will this have an effect on the Phases? 
The adjustment of competition dates will  require a new schedule with adjusted timeframes. The team are exploring this plan and will share this with you as soon as it has been agreed

(4) For Squad UK, supporting organisations and families

I have been made redundant and I can’t afford to continue training with Squad UK, is there any financial support I can access?
Yes, in addition to covering all costs associated with training, WorldSkills UK provides a Squad UK Support Fund to reimburse expenses of materials and can support competitors on an individual basis – please email to find out how we can support you.

What will the training programme look like next year?
WSUK are currently working on amended proposals to the training programme to ensure we continue to engage with you in an appropriate level of reduced activity, taking the opportunity to develop and position Squad UK for future success. As soon as these plans have been finalised, they will be shared with you.

If WorldSkills Shanghai takes place in 2022, when will Team UK selection take place?
The selection of the team for Shanghai  will need to be completed within five months prior to competition commencement (example: if WorldSkills Shanghai takes place in September 2022, Team Selection is likely to be April 2022).

What will the new age restrictions be for WorldSkills Shanghai?
All members of Squad UK will be age eligible to continue their journey to WorldSkills Shanghai, as the rules regarding age criteria will be amended for this competition as a result of the exceptional circumstances.

I couldn’t compete at EuroSkills Graz, will I be able to compete at WorldSkills Shanghai?
Those competitors who are age eligible for WorldSkills Shanghai 2021 will still be able to compete at WS Shanghai 2022, pending Team Selection.

(5) For teachers or families considering attending WorldSkills UK LIVE

I’m planning to bring my school or family. Do you see WSUK LIVE going ahead?
Unfortunately due to COVID-19, LIVE 2020 has been postponed to 2021. Dates are the 18th -20th November 2021. We will continue to monitor and adhere to government advice on this. Please visit our website to register your interest. Full registration will be available in 2021.

With regards to the up and coming events themselves, we advise our attendees to follow the same official guidelines in terms of determining whether they should attend or not and to put their own well-being and that of others first.

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